Rav Benayahu Shmueli שליט”א, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat haMekubalim Nahar Shalom, recently sent a personal letter to Rav Eliyahu Mansour שליט”א asking him to support and promote the historic project of the worldwide learning of the Daily Zohar.
In a very significant step, Rav Benayahu Shmueli requested that the daily learning of the Zohar be dedicated to the holy memory of his father, HaRav Shalom Shmueli זצוק”ל, who was recently niftar. HaRav Shalom Shmueli זצוק”ל was one of the closest students of the Mekubal Rav Mordechai Sharabi זצוק”ל, founder of Yeshivat HaMekubalim Nahar Shalom.
In his unprecedented video message, Rabbi Eliyahu Mansour calls on everyone, in the name of Rabbi Benayahu Shmueli שליט”א, to promote the Daily Zohar in memory of his late father. Rabbi Mansour declares his support and blessings for the project, noting that in addition to the Aliyat Neshama for HaRav Shalom Aharon Shmueli זצוק”ל, it will also provide great Zechut for those learning the Zohar through it.
At this time, the urgent need for an ‘iron dome’ to protect Am Yisrael is evident. By supporting the Zohar Yomi, you can be part of this truly historic effort and this timely opportunity to create a spiritual iron dome.
Please take to heart the powerful words of Rabbi Mansour and support this holy and historic project, dedicated to the memory of HaRav Shalom Shmueli זצוק”ל. Promote and support the holy Torah of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai through the learning of the Zohar Yomi and help bring the Geula closer, beRachamim
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